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Crafty Cat Behaviour and Feline Psychology forum. A helping hand to understand your pet. The cat behaviour section has a number of resources to help you understand more about your cat. From cat behaviour books, behaviourists and cven cat behaviour courses that will help you understand feline psychology. The reference section will help you find a particular topic and give you a cats instinctive and typical behaviour.

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crafty cat behaviour
crafty cat crafty cat crafty cat
crafty cat behaviourBehaviour > Reference
Fear or excitement
If a cat feels threatened and also if it sees something pleasing the cat's pupils will become dilated.

An annoyed cat will turn its ears back, while its pupils constrict and its whiskers bristle forward.

Playing and hunting
The ears are pricked, pupils dilated and whiskers thrust forward.

Relaxed or friendly
A relaxed cat will have perked ears and whiskers. Dilation of the pupils depends on the light.

The reason for your cat's behaviour maybe due to an underlying medical reason. If you are concerned about your cat, always consult your vet or a cat behaviourist for professional, qualified advice.
crafty cat behaviour Eye signals
cat eye signals

cat eye signals
crafty cat behaviour 
Cat behaviour reference section
Cat behaviour books
Cat behaviourists
Cat behaviour courses